name: Katharina Gerlach
birthday, -place: 02.08.1968
marital status: married, three kids
education: Juni 1989 Abitur (A-levels)
training: 1989 – 1991 training program for landscape gardening
1991 – 1994 studies of forestry at the Georg-August-University Göttingen
1994 – 1995 studies at the University of Edinburgh, Schottland, United Kingdom
1995 – 1997 studies of forestry at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and the beginning of research for the novel "Ann Angel’s Freedom"
19.03.1997 Diploma
work: 01.04.97 – 29.02.2000 scientific assistant at the University Bayreuth and writing of the thesis; PhD in science (Dr. rer. nat.)
July – September 2000 seminar at the KompEx Glinde
October 2000 self employed work in the field of environmental edutainment and webdesign
Febuary 2002 end of my self employment
since 2003 author and mother, both full-time

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