Third Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign

I’m a bit tired of seeing no one but myself in the “follow me” gadget. It’s been a hassle putting it up, and I do so much want to fill it with new friends. I’m interested in people who love fantasy and history or any combination thereof. You are welcome from the minute you’re born (if you can read that is) to the day you’re too old to decipher the letters or listen to the computer’s voice. The most essential quality is that you like to read.

Now, I found a great opportunity to find exactly the people I need. I will take part in the “Third Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign” where authors learn to help each other. If you’re an author who also loves to read (and all authors should), you can still sign up until the 31st of August. The Campaign will run from now till the 31st of October, and bloggers from all over the world will participate.

Count me in!
campaign sigil

21 thoughts on “Third Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign”

  1. Vernieda says:

    Thanks for stopping by the blog. 😀 Nice to meet you.

  2. Nina says:

    Hello fellow campaigner! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to reading more about you throughout the campaign. 🙂

  3. Brianna says:

    Hey there, neighbor! You are right beside me in the Platform-building campaign in the MG/YA group! I wanted to pop in and say hello! I look forward to reading more from you during the Campaign!

  4. K.M. Walton says:

    Hi – fellow Campaigner here – thanks for following my blog. I look forward to getting to you yours as well! See you out there….

  5. Hello from the campaign trail! I’ll be posting a brief intro to fellow campaigners on Thursday.

    1. Cat says:

      looking forward to it. And welcome to all fellow campaigers.

  6. Angela Perry says:

    Squee! History and fantasy…you’re my kind of writer. Very nice to meet you.

  7. Gwen says:

    Hi Katharina – I’m Gwen and I’m your newest follower and fellow campaigner – just stopping to introduce myself and say, “hello”!

  8. Hello fellow Fantasy Campaigner! It’s nice to meet you 🙂

  9. Jillybean says:

    Hi there!
    I don’t know if it shows up as a follower, but you’re in my blogroll now!
    Looking forward to campaigning with you. 🙂

  10. Matt Larkin says:

    Well consider me a follower and fellow Campaigner. Though the follow me button’s giving me errors right now.

    1. Cat says:

      Nee bother (Scottish for don’t worry). We’ll do things together for quite a while if I understood properly. Maybe it’ll work some other time.

  11. Found you over here, Cat! Have a great day. 🙂

  12. Aldrea Alien says:

    Hey there, fellow campaigner! ^_^

    1. Cat says:

      and to you.

  13. Liz A. says:

    Just popping in to say hi. Nice to meet you. We’re in the same Campaign group. I look forward to reading more from you.

    1. Cat says:

      Welcome to you too.

  14. Hello! Another Campaigner stopping in. It’s great to meet you. 🙂

    1. Cat says:

      Welcome to my blog. I’ll check yours soon.

  15. Kelley says:

    I’m in the follower box now! <3 from a fellow campaigner and now follower

    1. Cat says:

      Thanks a ton. I’ll chek out the other fellow campaigners tomorrow. I have to get my kids to sleep which isn’t easy in this heat.

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