It was a whirr of activity. Since more people came than yesterday, it became harder to get from one place to another. However, I managed to get some books I bought years ago signed by the author (Scott MacCloud, photo pending until I’m home).
I visited a lot of discussions about marketing but didn’t hear anything I hadn’t heard before. Essentially what people are saying is that they don’t really know which marketing works. Also, here in Germany, many suggest using traditional marketing tactics (readings, adverts, etc), and as any Indie can tell you, those do not work well online. When I suggested mailing lists, people looked at me as if I was crazy. 😉
The best thing so far were the countless Cosplayer. I saw some fabulous costumes and will present the best ones I managed to photograph over the next week (as I said before, I forgot an important cable).
Now, I need to get breakfast, so I’ll have strength enough for the third day. It’s Saturday, so even more people than yesterday will come.
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Sounds like you should do a sort of new media marketing workshop! Do they even know about raffles?
lol — I think Indies over here are still way behind the ones in the USA