My trip to Kent, England

For the last week, I’ve been to Kent in England, GB. It was a wonderful trip. I have to say there’s a reason why it’s called “England’s Garden”. Also, I was lucky with the weather. The first few days were very sunny, and the rest at least dry. Only the last day was rainy, but since we spent it mostly indoors in Windsor Castle, it didn’t bother me at all.

Over the next week, I’ll post a couple of my photos to give you an impression of what it was like. I’m still sorting through my memories, trying to store the multitude of new ideas that flooded my imaginative mind. 😉


Look how close the cars (and we as travellers) were to the end of the ship.


If you haven’t seen the Cliffs of Dover, they’re well worth a visit.


a house in Canterbury
On the first day, we visited Canterbury and walked around the Cathedral. After nearly 1000km travelling by car, it was a welcome break. I loved the way some houses were really, really twisted and wondered how that could happen. My Muse suggested that the houses would run around at night playing hide and seek with the Cathedral. When they return to their place, some are too tired to stand up straight.


Canterbury Cathedral
I loved the Cathedral’s gardens best. Framed by the ancient masonry, they looked even more splendid.

I’ll post more on Wednesday and Friday, and hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I do.
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2 thoughts on “My trip to Kent, England”

  1. Will says:

    The cliffs particularly, what a great shot. Sounds a fun trip.

    1. Cat says:

      Three cheers for the zoom-function of my camera. 😉
      The trip was lovely.

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