My Kickstarter Funded in 1 1/2 Days

I’m beyond thrilled. After only 32hrs, my kickstarter funded and now it’s already close to 1000€. Thank you so much for your support whether you pledged or shared the campaign. It’s all a great help.

When I read about the success Brandon Sanderson had with his million Dollar Kickstarter, I was skeptical of running my own. After all, he’s got a huge fanbase, and I do not. I’m so glad I didn’t let that discourage me. I love this book. The whole idea of putting so many short stories into a single volume, of holding an epic sized book of short stories in my hands, makes me shiver with delight.

the fund-sum I’ve reached so far will allow me to pay the best proof-reader I know the amount he’s worth (and not the bargain price he usually charges because he likes my stories). And if there’s something left over, I plan to use it for other struggling writers (maybe get them something they need or gift them one of Holly Lisle’s courses, we’ll see).

Anyway. If you want to check out the campaign or pass the link on to your friends, here it is again:

An BTW, this is one of the (more expensive) rewards you can get:

(and several people who paid much more than that told me I’m easy to work with, I can’t rightfully agree. I know myself too well :D)


2 thoughts on “My Kickstarter Funded in 1 1/2 Days”

  1. Amy Keeley says:

    That’s fantastic news! Congratulations. 🙂

    Gorgeous cover, too. Who’s the artist/designer?

    1. Cat says:

      The cover background was made by Ireen Bow (a German designer) and I did the typesetting. I had to because when I bought the cover, I didn’t know which project it would be for. 😀

      Thank you for your praise. By now, the campaign is funded over 220%. I’m still speechless…

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