I “stumbled over” an eleven year old boy who taught me how much can be achieved by doing small steps every day persistently. His name was Harry Moseley, and he passed away peacefully in his mother’s arms on Saturday 8 October 2011 at 11.10pm. The most amazing thing about Harry (in case you haven’t heard yet) is that he single handedly raised over £85,000 (that’s roughly 137,000 USD) for brain cancer research and near to a million with the help of his friends by (Read on) »
Yay! One of my stories was accepted for a cookbook collection by romance author Adelle Laudan . It’s a lovely, real book (paperback) to put on your counter as you try the many delicious recipes. There are recipes for cookies, cakes, pies, desserts, fudge and smoothies! Stories accompany many recipes and featured authors (including Yours Truly) remember one of their childhood memories (Read on) »
This is my fifth year of doing NaNo (for those unfamiliar with the term, it’s a month of crazy scribbling. Every participant tries to get 50,000 words in only 30 days. Of course, it’s easy to write the same word 50K times but that’s not the goal. There isn’t much to win except (Read on) »
I know I’m late for the last Challenge of Rachael Harrie’s Platform Building Campaign, but the kids are on holiday so I took a week off. I’m just in time though to enter my final story for this challenge. (Read on) »
On October the 4th, my husband’s birthday, I’ll take my first step toward Indie publishing. “Urchin King”, my first novel, is roughly 71K words long and will be available at Smashwords, Amazon, and Barnes&Noble. I’m terribly excited. (Read on) »
Wow, being part of Rachel Harrie’s Campaign is not only fun, it leads to multiple awards, too. I got the Versatile Blogger Award twice (picture see sidebar), (Read on) »
As a campaigner, I followed Rachel Harries’ advice to organize a bloghop. Many of my fellow campaigners joined me, so we are able to present you with a delightful amount of posts about who started our writing journey (Read on) »
Rachel Harrie encouraged us to do something with our fellow Campaigner, so our group (MG/YA 3) got together and organized a bloghop with a little contest. Only, it’s more of a blog-ring.
You’ll never guess the top prices though (pssst… I can tell you we’ve got a critique partner of Beth Revis in the group. How cool is that?).
We’ll start on Thursday 15th, and the contest runs through to the 22nd of September. Check out our entries, and the more comments you leave (on different blogs of course), the higher your chance to win something great.